Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Two Rights Which Made Me Exit Stage Left

What it is! TC here. It has been a whammy since I got pushed into the “Meeting New People Waters” by the Bestie.

Where do I start? I guess I will start with the “Two Rights Which Made Me Exit Stage Left.”

Like I mentioned in my last post, on this particular website, if you dig someone, you do the right swipe; if it is a reject, then there’s the left swipe. 

There were two men, who based on a combination of looks and profile, garnered a right swipe. I won’t use their names because it is more fun to use a code name … just saying.

One I would deem Chocolate Gumdrop. The other one I will tag as Caramel Extra.

Chocolate Gumdrop is a couple of years younger than me and also nearby, so getting to see each other would not be a deterrent. Caramel Extra is a little older than me but although he is in North Jersey, traveling is no deterrent.

I was drawn more to Chocolate Gumdrop’s appearance. That I do admit. I like a sharp dressed man and not too many guys do it anymore unless they have to. Plus he is of the darker shades, and I’m drawn to darker shades. For Caramel Extra, it was the articulateness of his profile, the way he was dressed, and he had nice lips.

So … what went wrong?

There’s no way for me to put this delicately and you’ll probably judge me. However, note that I’m speaking from my own experiences. If you have had better experiences, more power to you.

All right … here goes. 

Each man that I’ve interacted with of African descent (I don’t mean an ethnicity born in America that is black; I mean one who was born in Africa, then came to America) was a not so stellar experience. I think my independent streak rubs them the wrong way. However, nothing in Chocolate Gumdrop or Caramel Extra’s profiles indicated they were of African descent.

Then, I began talking to them and that is when all was revealed. I was determined not to let my past run-ins deter me because both of them could be different. Chocolate Gumdrop and I were smooth, until we started talking. Unfortunately, there was nothing stimulating about our conversation. We were talking about the same things over and over again … we just seemed stuck. On the one day when he tried to call, I was busy with other things. I guess he took that as a sign to slow his brakes. I don’t miss the conversation.

I had bright hopes for Caramel and then he became “extra”. Apparently, my old school ways were not a hit in his book. Just when I was going to chat with him about going to the movies on one of my days off, he cocks an attitude because we did not get a chance to talk on Sunday. Keep in mind there was only a one day lapse. So, I was like if he’s going to get annoyed every time, then we should just put this on pause. He jetted like he was running from Jason Voorhees.

Why is there such a need to act so possessive in the beginning stages of getting to know each other, especially when one doesn’t know where it will lead? Has today’s modern man become needier, or am I just not down with the times?

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bestie Abuse (or Online Connectivity Take Two)

TC here. First and foremost, 2017 has arrived. There were so many events that happened in 2016 to where people were begging the New Year to arrive.

Trust me, I get it.

A lot of my favorite celebrities passed away. There was a myriad of injustices so prevalent that one thought we were in an alternate universe. A man with no political experience, moral compass, and social etiquette got voted in as the next President of the United States. It is even more depressing because the other candidate won the popular vote by almost three million people.

This could simply be a "me thing" but I believe that EACH year is marked with good and bad. What could be one person's greatest year could be someone else's worst. Not to say I did not experience my own personal tragedies. However, I don't play a comparison game, like who had it better or worse. It is just the waves of life.

Let me get the reading audience up to speed.

The bond between the Bestie and her Beau bombed somewhere between August and September. I cannot really say one hundred percent for sure, simply because for a while, the ex-Beau behaved as if he were still a Beau. It was all mighty confusing.

Needless to say, some wining (consumption, that is), chocolate savoring, cussing, crying and what not took place as part of the healing process.

At some point, the Bestie decided it was time to hop back on the wobbly wheeled Internet wagon. This go-round, there was an insistence that I ride shotgun.

Can one not breathe, have a heart attack and experience the sensation of one's skin crawling all at the same time? Maybe it's not possible ... but it's the best way to describe my reaction.

I'm not the twenty-something I used to be. No, I'm not going to reveal my age. Just know that I'm not twenty! I look more striped tiger than black panther. Gravity and medical issues have had their way with me. Not excuses, just statements of fact.

I do understand that people have a visual that attracts them. Unfortunately, some people have an unrealistic expectation of how a person looks at a certain age. There are some guys I know from high school that still expect me to look and behave the same way I did then.

That is just ludicrous to me.

Could I still look alluring to the public? Is a real woman trending these days? So many people want realness but their definition is on some Kim Kardashian level. Even worse, the ones who want Kim K look nothing close to a stud muffin. Joker, please!

After many visible tics of discomfort, I took a deep breath and told her to take a few pictures of me before I lost my nerve. Then, I took a deeper breath and told her she could go ahead and set me up on the same website she was using.

Is it bad that I already want to delete it? Seriously, I've already had to block one person within a few hours. There's another guy who acts too lazy to type out his words, so there is all this text speak, but I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt before I stop talking to him completely. Also, there are all of these foreign people. Look, if you are willing to put in some frequent flyer miles. that's one thing. But, what are the chances that I'm going to Istanbul for a date? How about invisibly slim? Think on that.

There is this function where you can swipe left for "no" and right for "yes". Why is it that some of the ones I know I've swiped "no" on hit me up anyway? Yes, I do check out the profile before making my final decision, because my decision making process isn't just on looks alone. I scan the profile to see if there are any items that automatically eliminate the person from the running, such as:

(1) Failure to have a well-crafted profile (like failure to use spell check and excessive text speak)
(2) Includes characteristics I don't go for
(3) Common interests
(4) What he's looking for

I have swiped a lot of "no", yet these people still try and talk to me. I just get the feeling all they do is look at the pictures and don't even read.